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How Do You Know If It’s Time To Replace Your Silver Filling?

When is it time to replace your silver fillings? A large part of the population has had, or currently has, old silver fillings. While it is not advisable to necessarily have your dentist remove them and have them replaced purely for cosmetic reasons, there is a strong argument supporting their removal when they have failed…
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Don't ignore a tooth infection

7 Reasons a Tooth Infection Can Endanger Your Health

Understanding How a Tooth Infection Could Impact You When you’re having an issue with one of your teeth, it’s easy to brush it aside as an isolated issue—one that only affects that tooth. The truth, however, is that every aspect of your oral health is also tied to your overall health. This can be a…
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Invisalign vs. braces

Invisalign: How to Get Straight Teeth Without Braces

A Discreet Alternative to Braces Gaining a smile that you love through orthodontic treatment can change countless seemingly small aspects of your everyday life. It improves the health of your smile while helping you find self-confidence, changing the way you think about yourself and interact with others. But for many years, it was getting to…
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Ways to whiten your teeth

Whiten Your Teeth 12 Shades Lighter in 16 Minutes

Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you, so everyone recognizes the importance of a bright and welcoming smile. However, many people aren’t fully satisfied with theirs. Luckily, there’s a wide range of ways out there to whiten your teeth, and you can choose the best  treatment to refresh your smile.…
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Laser gum disease treatment

How Exactly Does Laser Gum Disease Treatment Work?

A Gentle, Noninvasive Approach to Treating Gum Disease Dental technology is always advancing at a rapid pace, with new treatment options continually becoming available to improve your oral health outcomes and patient experience. Laser gum disease treatment is one such advancement, and it is an incredibly effective option that can stop the progression of gum…
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Find the best dentist in Virginia Beach

8 Secrets Your Dentist in Virginia Beach Wishes You Knew

Oral Health Fact or Myth? There’s a lot to know about oral health and Virginia Beach family dentistry, and many patients may be unfamiliar with some key facts. Knowing the truth about oral health and distinguishing it from common myths can help you and your family enjoy healthy teeth for years to come. Don’t overlook…
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Orthodontic expanders for a narrow jaw

How Orthodontic Expanders Benefit a Child’s Narrow Jaw

Set your child up for oral health success using early orthodontics. As parents, it’s natural to want to set your children up for the best possible start in life. When it comes to dentistry, one of the best ways you can do this is with early orthodontics. When you take your child for their early…
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Treat Cavities without Drilling and Erase White Spots from Teeth with Icon

Do you suffer from unsightly white spots on your teeth? Do you have a cavity that your dentist says may eventually need a filling? Finally, there is a new way to treat early cavities and remove white spots WITHOUT drilling, numbing or needles! This revolutionary treatment option (Icon) stops decay if caught early, and removes [...]
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Oral and Oropharyngeal Cancer – Symptoms and Signs

Each year in the United States, an estimated 54,000 people will be diagnosed with oral and oropharyngeal cancers. The survival rate is around 81% if these cancers are diagnosed sooner rather than later, but as it is normally only discovered during the later stages of the illness, the 5-year survival rate is around 45%. The…
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Oral Health: Dental Myths You Should Not Consider

Dentistry is one of those professions where fear and the lack of education make it easy for myths to propagate. For the average patient, being able to differentiate between a dental fact and a dental myth can be challenging because people don’t even know what sorts of questions to ask of his/her dental professional! Whether the…
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Breaking down the Pros and Cons of Traditional Braces vs. Invisalign

We have patients come in every day expressing an interest in straightening their teeth. Sometimes, we as clinicians are the ones who make the suggestion based on malocclusion, issues with crowding, or for more dentally necessary concerns and not so much for cosmetic reasons. While the cosmetic results are appealing to the patient, the goal…
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Teeth Grinding Causes and Treatments

Bruxism, more commonly referred to as clenching and grinding, is a dental condition far more common than patients are aware.  When asked by a dental professional if a patient clenches and grinds his/her teeth, the most common response I hear is “not that I am aware…and I would know”.  Unfortunately, more often than not, the patient is…
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