Discover Myobrace: Your Path to Confidently Aligned Teeth and a Beautiful Smile

Get a straight smile with Myobrace.

Having a crooked smile is not all that uncommon. It can be caused by many different things, too, such as genetics, extended pacifier use, thumb-sucking, facial trauma, and premature tooth loss. But there’s good news. If your child or teen has misaligned teeth, a unique orthodontic appliance called a Myobrace might be the ticket to a straight, happy, and healthy smile.

In this article, the team at your Virginia Beach dentist office will tell you all about the Myobrace and how it can save your smile.

How Myobrace Works 

You probably know the basic premise of orthodontics. Methods like braces or clear aligners work by applying gentle, consistent pressure to guide teeth into a straighter position over time. Braces use brackets and wires to adjust the teeth, while aligners are custom-made trays that fit over the teeth, gradually moving them into alignment with each new set.

Myobrace takes a different approach. Rather than solely focusing on tooth movement, this system addresses the underlying habits that can contribute to misalignment in the first place. Many children and teens develop issues such as, mouth breathing, incorrect tongue posture, and improper swallowing patterns, which can impact facial growth and tooth position. 

Myobrace is designed to retrain these habits, encouraging proper nose breathing, correctly positioning the tongue, and improving overall muscle function in the mouth and jaw. By naturally guiding the teeth into better alignment, this orthodontic solution helps children and teens achieve a straighter smile without the need for traditional braces. Pretty cool, right?

Benefits of Myobrace 

Of course, perhaps the biggest benefit of the Myobrace is that it means kids and teens won’t likely need traditional braces down the road. But there’s more to it than that. Let’s take a look at the following benefits that you and your child can expect.

  • Non-invasive and comfortable: This orthodontic solution is designed to be gentle and easy to wear, making it a relaxed alternative to traditional braces that won’t cause discomfort from brackets or wires.
  • Helps prevent future orthodontic issues by addressing root causes: Myobrace targets underlying issues like mouth breathing and incorrect tongue posture, helping to support natural facial and jaw development and potentially reducing the need for further orthodontic treatments.
  • Suitable for children and teens: Myobrace is a great choice for younger patients.
  • Flexible wearing schedule: Unlike braces that are worn full time, this orthodontic solution only needs to be worn for one to two hours per day, plus while sleeping.
  • Removable for confidence and comfort: Since Myobrace can be taken out during social activities or meals, kids don’t have to worry about the self-consciousness that sometimes comes with visible braces.

Is Myobrace the right choice for your child?

So this begs the question—how do you know if Myobrace is right for your child? And better yet, where can your child get this orthodontic solution instead of more traditional orthodontics in Virginia Beach? We’re happy to tell you that you’ve come to the right place. At King Dental, your family dental clinic, we’re big believers in the Myobrace to help reposition misaligned teeth.

Here’s how we decide if your child can benefit from the Myobrace. 

  • Signs of mouth breathing: Children who primarily breathe through their mouths may benefit from Myobrace, as it encourages proper nasal breathing habits.
  • Incorrect tongue posture: If your child’s tongue rests at the bottom of their mouth or presses against their teeth, this orthodontic solution can help retrain this habit, promoting better oral development.
  • Early signs of crooked or crowded teeth: Myobrace may be ideal for kids showing initial signs of misalignment, as it helps guide teeth into proper positions as they grow.
  • Habits like thumb-sucking or prolonged pacifier use: These behaviors can impact the development of the jaw and teeth alignment; Myobrace can help correct the effects of these habits.
  • Open bite or other developmental concerns: Children with early signs of bite issues may find Myobrace a helpful tool to promote a more balanced dental structure.
  • Young age for orthodontic intervention: Myobrace is typically recommended for younger children, making it a good choice for early intervention that encourages healthy oral habits without braces.

Your child’s beautiful smile may start with Myobrace. 

As parents, we want our children to have a happy and healthy smile that they love. Not only does a great smile help build self-confidence, but it makes your child more attractive to friends and even future colleagues. The thing is, when your child has misaligned teeth that result in a crooked smile, they may be less likely to share their smile with others. And that’s just not good for anybody. 

Don’t put off a beautiful smile for your child any longer. All it takes to get started is requesting a consultation with the team here at King Dental. During your child’s assessment, we’ll look at the health of their teeth and gums, as well as the positioning of their jaw. We’ll ask some questions about eating and sleeping habits. Then, we’ll share our proposed treatment plan with you. Whether it’s Myobrace or traditional orthodontics in Virginia Beach, we’re here to help your child’s smile be all it can be. Contact us today.

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King Dental